England in December

December Weather for England

• December averages +6-7°С / humidity 87%

• highest was +15°С 

• lowest was -4°С 

• expected – +6°С 

December in England is rainy, cloudy, foggy and cool. It rains constantly. Snow falls in the north. The entire territory of the country is characterized by strong and bitter winds.


Downtime in England in December 

December high season falls on Christmas and pre-New Year days. Poor flow of tourists during the month. A relaxing time to visit museums and sights. Prices by the end of the month for flights and tours to England rise significantly.


Events in December:

• New Year's Carnival runs on December 31st. Beginning at 4:30 pm. Location: The Grey’s Monument at 150 Grainger St, Newcastle. Free participation

During the event: a festive procession goes to the local administration building to ring the bells in honor of the New Year, performances, dances, music, fireworks

• Santas on the Run is held in early December. 

Prices: free up to 5Y, ~€ 22 adult, ~€ 13 children under 15Y, ~€ 66 family ticket: 2 adults, 2 children; price covers Santa’s costume, bottle of water and a medal.

Run time: 9 am - 12 pm. Location: Broad Street


In December, tourists rush in sake of Christmas carols concerts to Bolsover Castle in Derbyshire, the Garden of Eden Project in Cornwall and St. James’ Church in Arlington. Travelers choose jams, textiles, neckwear, toys and postcards at festive fairs. They stroll along Christmas trails, join workshops to create holiday decorations and wreaths in the National Parks. Guests of the country visit the Exmoor Park Carriage Museum, which is decorated in the spirit of Victorian Christmas. It is popular to join Festivi-tea with Christmas-style treats in the London Corinthia Hotel.


Packing List Items

Warm clothes are best for December: an elongated oversized parka jacket with a hood, warm trousers.

Shoes should be waterproofed, rubber or rough soles, as the sideways might be slippery.

A raincoat is useful in case of strong wind with rain.

Multilayers dressing best for snowy days: T-shirt, raglan, jacket, warm coat, gloves and a scarf.

For running at temperatures of -5 °C, wear: insulated tights with a dense insert on the front surface of the leg, a long-sleeved T-shirt and a windbreaker.

Take a ride in a carriage along the Richmond Park, warming up with mulled wine. Visit the Christmas-shows and look forward for a Christmas miracle – book your tickets to England – it will be tasty, cozy and interesting!