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With a population of 45 million people, Ukraine is unfortunatelly rarely mentioned as a proper travel destination. This huge country appeal to every single type of traveller: the adventurers will enjoy the unspoiled Carpathian landscapes and the quietness of the Danube Delta, while the historians will enjoy the stories told in multicultural cities like Chernivtsi or Lvov, with its Gothic churches. From the East to the West, there is always something new to discover. The capital city of Kyiv may be a revelation, with its mix of religious identity, recent Soviet history and a dynamic look into the future displayed by the new start-up culture and shopping avenues.

Fotos von Ukraine

Country Name: Ukraine

Capital city: Kiev

Population: 44.83 million

Language: Ukrainian, Russian and Polish

Currency: Ukrainian Hryvnia, UAH, ₴

Time zone: GMT + 2

Climate: Ukraine has the traditional continental climate, with warm summers and snowy winters, with the winters being very cold


Popular Foods

The traditional Borshch soup is a must-eat while in Ukraine and is made of almost twenty different ingredients. It contains a wide variety of vegetables, including onions, tomatoes, and carrots, that are stewed together and is served with a dollop of sour cream. 

Varenyky are traditional dumplings that are also very common in Ukraine, and can have fillings ranging from minced meat to all kinds of vegetables, and even cherries!

A local sweet treats that you need to try are syrniki, made of cottage cheese, flour, eggs and sugar, the dish is nourishing and airy. After being gently fried in a pan, syrniki are topped with jam and sour cream. They literally melt in the mouth and will become your favorite dish.

While the prices of individual dishes may vary, an inexpensive meal can cost you about 5-6 Euros.


Popular Drinks


Uzvar is a drink that is commonly drunk in Ukraine, and it is a soft drink that is made up of berries and fresh fruits in the summer and berries and dried fruits in the winter. You'll find this drink a lot in Ukraine, and while it is used on an everyday basis, it adorns festive tables as well.


This fermented baked milk drink may not look appealing at first, but once you get used to the taste, it is delicious!


This is often known is Ukrainian vodka as well and is one of the most common drinks in Ukraine. It is usually distilled from rye and wheat, but occasionally sugar cane may also be used.


This drink has deep roots in Ukraine's history as well and is made up of yeast, honey, and water and is a beverage that adorns many festive tables as well.


Tourist Destinations

If you want to visit Ukraine and enjoy your trip, the best months to go are July through September as the days are nice and sunny, while the nights are cool and comfortable.


This city is often known as the country's cultural capital and contains historical towns and narrow, cozy streets as well. It also contains the UNESCO protected Old Town, and the pubs here serve great food too!


This city is also nicknamed Little Vienna and has rich Austro-Hungarian architecture as well. It also has the UNESCO protected Chernivtsi University and is the go-to place for art and history buffs.

Sofiyivsky Park

This Park is located in Uman and is a prime example of European gardening design and was constructed back in the 19th century.



If you want to take back home some decorative pieces for your own home, take back some hand-painted wooden eggs, or Pysanky. These have been given as gifts in the country for centuries and can cost you anything from 2- 50 Euros. 

You might all be aware of Babushka Doll (or Matryoshka), or nesting dolls, and while these might appear to be toys, they are for decorative purposes only!

Ukrainians are also famous for their embroidery, so you can please your friends by taking back home some pretty embroidered blouses, or chemises, for them!

Things to Know

Transport by train is the most common kind in Ukraine, as it is affordable and covers the whole country. Don't be afraid to use them!

Also, both Ukrainian and Russian are commonly spoken languages in the country, and you might find locals switching quickly between the two during the conversation, so if you know one or the other, the chances of you being understood are a lot.

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