Austria in July

July Weather for Austria

• July averages +25-30°С / humidity 73%

• highest was +42°С 

• lowest was +7°С 

• expected – +25°С

July is hot and sunny. Warm summer showers are in the western and mountainous regions of the country, especially in Salzburg and Upper Austria.


Downtime in Austria in July

High season goes on in July. There are a lot of tourists despite the heat. Prices for entertainment, hotel rooms and food are high. Beginning of the summer sales in Austria fall on the late July.


Events in July:

• Bregenz Opera Festival begins in mid-July.

Location: floating scene on Lake Constance, Bregenz. Ticket price is € 22-300

• Salzburg Music Festival takes place at the end of July. Ticket price starts at € 35. Within the event:

o Opera performances. Location: Festspielhaus at 1 Hofstallgasse

o Drama stages. Locations:

 Cathedral Square on Domplatz

 Universität Mozarteum at 1 Mirabellplatz 

o Salzburg State Theater at 22 Schwarzstraße.

o Concerts. Locations:

 Stiftung Mozarteum at 26 Schwarzstraße 

 Kollegienkirche at 2 Wr.-Philharmonikergasse


July in Austria is a month for windsurfing, sailing, scubing and fishing. It goes well with a rich excursion program. Tourists visit the Salzburg ice cave – Eisriesenwelt, by the Hallein town and explore salt mines. Fans of agrotourism go to the Austrian province of Vorarlberg, where they find peace and tranquility at the foot of the mountains.


Packing List Items

To Austria in July pack: summer clothes, a cap, comfortable shoes, bathing accessories and tanning lotion.

For the evenings, it is better to have a light jacket or cape, which also will be useful in air-conditioned rooms.

To salt mine or ice caves have warm things with you – usual temperature there is 0° C to +10° C. 

Hiking, swimming in mountain lakes and rivers, bike tours, rock climbing, horseback riding or fresh milk and dawn. The country will meet warmly and for sure will please. Book your tickets to Austria today!