Austria in December

December Weather for Austria

• December averages 0°С /+6°С / humidity 77%

• highest was +15°С 

• lowest was -30°С 

• expected – -4/+3°С

It is cloudy and gloomy in Austria in December. It snows or rains every few days. There are frosts at night. Sunny days, frosts and frequent snowfalls are in the mountains.


Downtime in Austria in December

The second half of December is height of the Austrian tourist season. Most of the tourist rush to the ski resorts. Prices for the fun time are high.


Events in December:

• Winter event in the Vienna Museum Quarter lasts till December 23. Location: Museumsplatz 1. Admission is free. Within the event:

o Live concerts, DJ performances

• Tyrol Adventmarkt Hall Christmas Market is opened until 24 December. Location: Hall in Tirol in the Old Town. Free admission.

Operating hours: Monday-Friday 3 pm - 20 pm, Saturday 10 am - 20 pm, Sunday 13 pm - 21 pm; 24th of December 10 am - 13 pm.

As a part of the fair:

o Live music from 6 pm

o Program for children: fairy tales and workshops, trips on a pony, a small zoo

• New Year's Ball in Vienna on December 31st. Location: Hofburg Palace on Michaelerkuppel. Ticket price:

o € 70-170 covers a glass of champagne and access to all halls. Duration 9:15 pm – 4 am

o € 250-440 covers a reservation, a glass of champagne and access to all halls. Duration 9:15 pm – 4 am

o € 520-780 covers a glass of champagne, access to all halls, gala dinner, which starts at 18:30 


December is a month for activities in the ski resorts. Paragliding is popular in the Wilder Kaiser region. Lovers of relaxation visit spa hotels; tourists advise Rilano Resort Steinplatte in Waidring. A lot of travelers visit museums and palaces of the country, arrange photo shoots on the background of snow-covered parks and castles.


Packing List Items

In December dress three-layer way to be protected from cold and wind: thermal underwear, jacket and coat.

For walks around the city, choose underwear with a high content of wool, for outdoor activities it is better to have a set of artificial fibers.

Dress up for the ball:

o For women – a pair of gloves for elegance, a full dress in black or color, white dress color only for debutantes

o For men – a suit and a white bow tie; black or white dinner jacket and black bow tie; patent leather shoes

In December, the country meets by the Christmas atmosphere and the promise of a small miracle, by snow covers in the mountains and live music at fairs. Get your portion of pleasure – book tickets to Austria today!