Austria in February

February Weather for Austria

• February averages +3° С / humidity 76%

• highest was +10°С 

• lowest was -35°С 

• expected – +3°С

It becomes warmer in February, but the days are usually cloudy. It snows often. It is cold in the mountains. By the end of the month the snow starts melting, the danger of avalanches and mountain roads flooding.


Downtime in Austria in February

February in Austria is a high season for Alpine skiing. There are a lot of tourists on the pistes. Sightseeing tours are waiting for spring. Prices for leisure time and accommodation are high.


Events in February:

• Saalfelden Ski Marathon runs in early February. Distances: 42 km and 21 km. Start line: Wirtschaftshof on Ramzaedershtrasse. Participation fee is € 30-35

• Vienna Accordion Music Festival starts in February. Duration: 1 month. Ticket price starts at € 21.

Main locations:

o Comedy Club Stadtsaal at 81 Mariahilfer Str. 

o Filmcasino cinema at 78 Margaretenstraße 

o Porgy & Bess Jazz Club at 11 Riemergasse 

• Vienna State Opera Ball is held in February at 2 Opernring str. The ball full rehearsal can be visited for ~€ 50. Usual ticket price:

o € 315 no reservation

o starting at € 1300 covers reservation and dinner


In February ice climbing in Styria, Salzburg and Vorarlberg attract tourists in addition to skiing. Beginners in this sport prefer to start with the artificial park Uttendorf on Lake Weiss. Also ice skating on the Ritzzen lakes in Saalfelden-Leogang and Tristacher in Tirol gain its popularity. Museums, theater performances and opera premieres are of great interest and in demand in any weather.


Packing List Items

In February for comfortable walks you need warm pants, sweaters, a winter jacket and warm shoes at low speed.

For a large ski marathon better to get a windproof thick Lycra suit.

To your first-aid kit add antipyretic, analgesic, spray for throat and nose, means for the normalization of pressure during the acclimatization period, as Austria is a mountainous country.

Winter fairy-tale with many exciting events and activities. Friendly sports and après-ski in the mountains. Outstanding balls in the palaces of the capital. Do not waste time – order tickets to Austria here and now!