Austria in May

May Weather for Austria

• May averages +18° С / humidity 55%

• highest was +24°С 

• lowest was -3°С 

• expected – +18°С

May is a warm and sunny month. Occasional rains are in the north. Snow is still in the mountains. The temperature depends on the height above sea level: the higher – the colder.


Downtime in Austria in May

Slow season in early May is changed for the high one in the late of the month. The tourist flow rises, as well as the prices for entertainment and accommodation. The ski season is closed, but skiing is still possible on glaciers.


May events:

• Balls are held in Vienna in May. Prices start at € 155 and cover a glass of champagne. Locations:

o Vienna City Hall at 1 Friedrich-Schmidt-Platz

o Kursalon Wien Concert Hall at 33 Johannesgasse 

o Parkhotel Schönbrunn at 10-16 Hietzinger Hauptstraße 

• Schubertiade or Schubert festival is held in May. Ticket price starts at € 7. During the festival:

o Chamber concerts and piano evenings

o Performances of orchestras, readings and reports

o Workshops of artists

Location: The Markus-Sittikus-Saal Museum at 3 Graf-Maximilian-Straße, Hohenems Town

• Free live Vienna State Opera broadcasts run in May outside on Karajan-Platz. Location: Vienna State Opera at 2 Opernring. Beginning: 7 pm


May is for the Austrian lakes and rich excursion programs around the country. Lovers of nature, hiking, climbing and mountain biking go to the mountains. Tourists are on tennis courts, golf courses, water complexes and attractions. Lower Austria wellness centers retain its popularity.


Packing List Items

To Austria in May get two sets of clothes: warm clothes for the first half of the month and for evening walks; swimsuit, shorts, panama and sunglasses – for the late month.

To the high mountain resorts take a jacket, coat, pants and a scarf.

To the Vienna Ball choose: a dinner jacket or dress coat for men and a full dress for women.

To relax on the beaches of the lakes and get a nice tanning, to discover the Alpine grandeur and wander through the paved streets of the ancient cities, to visit castle churches, fortresses and abbeys covered with legends – short list of amazing possibilities which wait for you in May! Book your tickets to Austria today!