In the run-up to magical holidays, we hurry to sum everything up. The year 2018 became a year of great beginnings for Travellizy. We gathered together a creative team and launched a large online travel service, through which people can buy air tickets conveniently and profitably from different parts of the world.
We traveled a lot this year too and helped you discover new countries and continents. We created an innovative travel searching and organizing platform with a round-the-clock support team. Travellizy always takes care of your comfort, wherever you are in the world.
This year we received a high award. Our service won the Amadeus Global Distribution Booking System competition. We cooperate with the leading airlines of the world.
In the new year, we will keep improving ourselves and making you happy with our care. You know, over the past year, you became more than clients for us. You became our true friends! May Christmas and New Year bring you joy, inspiration and good news. May these holidays become a new beginning of a bright and productive 2019!