February Weather for England
• February averages +5-6°С / humidity 82%
• highest was +13°С
• lowest was -5°С
• expected – +6°С
February weather in England is unpredictable, foggy, with high humidity. Sometimes happen cloudy and rainy days. Spring is in the air with its sunny days by the end of the month.
Downtime in England in February
Low season runs in February. There are few tourists. Prices for tour packages, flights, bed and food are the lowest for the all-time.
Holidays at local schools fall on the last week of February – sights and museums are overloaded.
Events in February:
• MASH Marathon runs in early February. Within the event: music by British composers. Location: St. Hilda College at Cowley Pl. Beginning at 6:30 pm. Ticket price is ~€ 5.5
• 7-day Jorvik Viking Festival is held in February. Location: Coppergate, York, North Yorkshire. Beginning at 9 am.
Within the event: historical performances, processions, exhibitions, the Viking Museum-Camp. Events both free and paid ~€ 5.5
• Valentine's Day is on February 14. A lot of choose Silent Sound party to celebrate, where everyone chooses the channel of favorite music in the headphones, which is moderated by a DJ.
Duration: 4 hours. Entrance fee ~€ 30
Location: The Dutch Master two-decker, Tower Millennium Pier, Lower Thames St, London.
February attracts tourists by London Fashion Week. In the capital travelers visit Her Majesty's Theater or English National Opera. In Liverpool, they follow traces of the legendary Beatles band at the City Museum, dressed up in the costumes and sing songs in a soundproof karaoke room. Guests of the country join spy excursions and sleuthing in the cities of Albion. In the evenings, holiday-makers relax in traditional English pubs, such as The Bartons Arms Pub in Birmingham.
Packing List Items
Several dress-layers for February weather: a long-sleeved T-shirt, a sweatshirt, a warm waterproof jacket with a hood and durable shoes on low speed.
An umbrella may be needed at any time.
Get a textured warm scarf to look trendy in England. Take your favorite sweater to feel the coziness of the English pubs’ fireplaces, and yes! keeping in mind to take cute pics for the network. Buy tickets to England – slow down and enjoy the country's centuries-old history.