England in October

October Weather for England

• October averages +11-12°С / humidity 85%

• highest was +21°С 

• lowest was -1°С 

• expected – +11°С

High autumn falls on October. The country is cloudy, foggy, windy, gray, with frequent sudden rains. There are gusty storms and winds on the coastline.


Downtime in England in October

Low season in the country starts at the second half of October. There are few tourists. No rush in the galleries and museums. Prices for flights and leisure time are reasonable.


Events in October:

• Literary Festival runs in October. Ticket price starts at ~€ 6.

Locations in the city of Cheltenham:

o Cheltenham Town Hall and Helix Theater on Imperial Square

o Hotel du Vin on Parabola Road

• Oxford Chamber Music Festival is held in early October.

Locations in Oxford: 

o Phoenix Picturehouse at 57 Walton St. Tickets: ~€ 12,8 adult, ~€ 11,8 student/retired, ~€8 child, limited number of free tickets for 8-25Y 

o Sheldonian Theatre in Broad St. Tickets: ~€ 5,5-44, limited number of free tickets for 8-25Y 

o Holywell Music Room in Holywell Street. Tickets: ~€ 16,5-25, limited number of free tickets for 8-25Y 


In October tourists follow the Jane Austen’s trails, visiting the same name House Museum in Chawton Village and the Center in her honor in Bath city, where the streets and architecture look the same way as the author described in her novels. Travelers join guided city tours with state-of-the-art ripper-vision hand-held projectors, recreating the atmosphere of Victorian age, on rainless days. Guests of the country admire photo strolls. On rainy days, holiday-makers go to English bread baking workshops and create own handmade souvenirs attending a pottery class. They spend evenings at the You & Meow Cafe in Bristol and Kitty Café in Nottingham.  


Packing List Items

To October tour, be sure to take: a windbreaker, a warm sweatshirt, a long sleeve shirt, waterproof shoes and an umbrella.

To literary soiree wear: no deep neckline figure-hugging dress below the knee, coat with a belt.

To photo walks, stock up on several accessories to change the photolook: a wide corset belt, a snood, a scarf, a neckerchief, sunglasses in the shape of a dragonfly, a butterfly or “cat's eyes” and long gloves.

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