German Weather in February
• February averages +5° С / humidity 85%
• highest was +18°С
• lowest was -10°С
• expected – +5°С
Germany is especially cold in the southern regions of the country in February. Frequent frosts and snowfalls are in Bavaria. It is gloomy and gray in the north, blow icy winds. Thaws periods, drizzling rains and sunny days happen by the end of the month.
Downtime in Germany in February
High season continues at ski resorts in February. Prices remain high. The popularity and cost of sightseeing tours is reduced
Event listings in February:
• Semper Opera Ball in Dresden is held in early February. Location: Semper Opera at Theaterplatz 2. Beginning at 6pm - ending at 5 am. Ticket price starts at € 150
The same time on the Theater Square, in front of the Opera House, a grandiose show takes place. Live broadcast runs from the hall. Free admission
• Motor Show Motorrad Messe in February:
o In Leipzig – at Messe-Allee 1. Ticket price for 1 day is € 14, for all days of the exhibition is €20, free entrance for children under 16 years
o In Dortmund – at Rheinlanddamm 200. Ticket price for 1 day is €15, for all days of the exhibition is €30, free entrance for children under 16 years
• International Film Festival in Berlin in February. Main location: Berlinale-Palast in the building of the Musical Theater on Potsdamer Platz, address Potsdamer Platz 11. Ticket price starts at € 10
Main sections of the film festival:
o Panorama – independent cinema and art house
o Generation – cinema for children and youth
o Perspektive Deutsches Kino – German films
o Forum des Jungen Films – experimental works and movies from exotic countries
o Kulinarisches Kino – Culinary screenings with stand-up meals from renowned chefs
Most of the tourists are in the ski resorts, they sleigh rides, learn to ride snowmobiles and make trekking tours. Herbal saunas, spas and thermal pools are chosen as apres-ski. Few tourists choose excursion time and participate in the events of the month.
Packing List Items
To German February you need warm clothes: a down jacket, jeans, warm shoes, gloves, a hat and a scarf. An umbrella and a windbreaker are needed by the end of the month.
To the mountain resort pack:
o waterproof ski suit, better with a pocket on the sleeve for ski pass
o thermals: long sleeve t-shirt and underpants
o fleece jacket – the main warming layer
To get to the real ball and watch the film festival movies, or to enjoy herbal sauna after a busy day in the mountains. It is up to you – book tickets to Germany today!