German Weather in May
• May averages +15° С / humidity 63%
• highest was +31°С
• lowest was -2°С
• expected – +16°С
Germany in May is clear and sunny. It is still damp at the evenings. High probability of short cloudburst with thunderstorms. It is the driest and calm in the southern part of the country.
Downtime in Germany in May
May in Germany is the last month of the low season with a moderate tourist flow and discounts on accommodation. No crowds by the famous landmarks.
May 1st is Labor Day in Germany – offices, museums, most of the stores and services operate on a reduced schedule or closed.
Popular events of the month:
• The first weekend of May is the Walberlafest beer festival on the top of Walberla Mountain, Bavaria. Event opens on a mountain plateau on Friday at 5 pm. Admission is free
• Frankfurt Green Sauce Festival runs in May. Beginning is at 8 pm. Ticket price €48-80, it covers: a voting card for the best sauce, food and drinks. Location: Ross Market Square, Frankfort on Main
• Dresden 7-day Dixieland International Music Festival is held in mid-May. The festival program:
o Jazzmen performances, seminars, musical exhibitions and sales
o Concerts for kids and families, fireworks and mini-parades
Some locations:
o Zoo at Tiergartenstraße 1. Only the entrance to the zoo is paid – €12
o Big old square – Altmarkt. Free open-air concerts
o Restaurant Feldschlösschen Stammhaus at Budapester Str. 32. Admission is €18.5
• 2-day Strawberry Festival on the last Saturday of May. Location: along street Hauptstraße, Oberkirch city. Opening is at 11 am. As part of the holiday:
o fairs, presentations, workshops, tastings, open-air concerts
May is for spending time at spa resorts, participation in gastronomic festivals, bicycling. Tourists are passionate about sightseeing tours, dropping in the Student Prison and walking along the longest pedestrian street in Heidelberg.
Packing List Items
In May one needs sneakers, sweaters with long sleeves, jeans, in-between jacket and an umbrella.
A scarf take with you for the evenings.
For cycling trips in the mountains: a helmet and comfortable sports shoes.
Buy tickets to Germany today to influence the results of the Green Sauce Festival, improve health in the spa resorts and try the most delicious strawberries in the country!