Italy in August: weather, events, recommendations

Italy Weather in August

- August averages is +34°С / humidity 69%

- highest was – +50°С in 2017 

- lowest was – +25°С in 1983 

- expected – +32°С

It is sweltering and hot in Italy in August. It is difficult to enjoy the beach time during a day. Short rains. Rare thunderstorms. The heat slowly slackens by the end of the month.


Downtime in Italy in August

The peak season in Italy goes on in August: still a lot of tourists, long-lasting excursions wait for autumn time. Summer sales are in full swing. A lot of Italians arrange their vacation. Some stores are closed or work hours are reduced. Public transport runs less frequently. 

august italy

August is rich in interesting holidays and festivals: 

- On August 15, mass outside celebrations of Ferragosto, throughout the country 

- On August 16, Palio Horse Race in Siena city – grandiose races in Piazza del Campo. Free admission spectacle

- On August 29, The Venice Film Festival on Lido Island. Ticket price is € 20

In August tourists rush to Italy for the sake of the warm sea, thermal resorts, sea cruises, natural national parks and shopping.


Packing List Items

In August Italians wear light summer clothes with long sleeves, sunglasses, T-shirts, sun-hats, light flat shoes and a bottle of water, which needs often replenish.

If you are not afraid of the heat, no headache from the tourists on the beach, and you definitely want to visit the August festivals – book tickets to Italy today!