Italy in December: weather, events, recommendations

Weather in December in Italy

- December averages is +10°С / humidity 78%

- highest was +20°С in 1973 

- lowest was -9°С in 2014 

- expected – +12°С

It is cold in Italy in December. It snows in the northern regions of the country, and it rains in the southern regions. The water in the sea is cold, the swimming season is closed. A lot of country water basins are covered with ice. 


Downtime in Italy in December

Slow season in Italy starts in December. Christmas and New Year time is an exception. By mid-month prices are getting higher. The high ski season begins.

Museums, numerous shops and tourist facilities are closed on December 25-26.

The most popular holidays of the country fall on December:

- Christmas Day all over the country is on December 25. The Vatican mass begins at midnight. Entrance to the Saint Paul's Cathedral is free, but tickets are required. The tickets are booked online in advance. The number of seats is limited.

- The New Year is on December 31. In Rome, fireworks on New Year's Eve are best seen on the Tiber embankment and near the Colosseum 

december italy

In December Italy is busy with holiday preparations, tourists are entertained by numerous fairs and festivities on the streets of the city. Most of the tourists head to the ski resorts.


Packing List Items

Going to Italy in December, be sure to take a warm autumn jacket or down jacket, an umbrella, comfortable waterproof shoes, a hat and a scarf.

To the mountains bring along a tanning lotion – the sun in the mountains is as strong as on the beach.

Those who wear lenses, better to take the solution with you, in pharmacies it is available only on prescription. 

If you want to enjoy the festive Italy, become a part of Christmas or actively spend your holidays in the mountains – book your tickets to Italy right now!