Weather in February in Italy
- February averages is +10°С / humidity 74%
- highest was +15°С in 1987
- lowest was -9°С in 2017
- expected – +11°С
In Italy, in February, it is cold and dank. Snowfalls are in the north of the country. Drizzling, rains, fogs and rawness are in the south. It is the most sunny and warm in Sicily. Frosts are in the mountains.
Downtime in Italy in February
February is the low season for sightseeing tours in Italy. Except for the carnivals’ time and ski resorts, where the high season is in full swing. It is the final month of winter sales.
February fascinates with holidays and festivals:
- Carnivals begin 2 weeks before the Easter fast. The opening ceremony usually starts in the Cannareggio area at 6 pm
- On various dates in February, as part of the Venice Carnival, costumed balls are held in the Ca 'Vendramin Calergi Palace. Entry price is from € 150
- St. Valentine's Day in Verona on February 14. A fair opens on Piazza dei Signori with live street music concerts and games
Despite the cold February days, tourists at the time of the carnival provoke echoes of the high season, attend balls, partially combine with excursions, ski a lot and improve their health in thermal spas.
Packing List Items
In February in Italy, dress warmly, pack up: a sweater, demi-season jacket, scarf, gloves, waterproof shoes and an umbrella.
Under an elegant carnival suit better wear thermal underwear.
In the mountains you will need: a set of ski clothes, high warm boots with thick soles, a walkie-talkie and a mask with interchangeable glasses.
Dreaming of Venice Carnival, visiting the costume ball and your budget does not hold you back – order tickets to Italy today!