Venice Weather in April
- April averages is +14° С / humidity 65%
- highest was +23°С in 1997
- lowest was 0°С in 2014
- expected – +15°С
In April the sky is covered with clouds, the high humidity. It is cold by the water. Drizzling rains, sudden showers. It is getting warmer by the end of the month.
Downtime in Venice in April
April is an off-season month and partial low time in the Italian cities, but Venice is an exception. There are a lot of tourists outside, though it is still a month before the real inrush. Prices are getting higher.
Be a part of April celebrations and festivals:
- St. Mark’s Day and Liberation Day are on April 25. Mass in the Basilica of San Marco begins at. 7 a.m. Free entrance from the north facade of Porta dei Fiori. Numerous concerts and gondola races are around the city
- Annual Su e zo per i ponti, Up and down the bridges, starts and ends on the Piazza San Marco. €7 for an official T-shirt, € 12 for race participation, discounts for large groups of participants
In April tourists are focused on visiting museums, theaters and cultural sites. Popular are photo shoots and instagram walks, Venetian mask-making classes.
Packing List Items
In April it is cozy in a warm sweater, windbreaker and jeans. Better choose waterproof shoes, several pairs to replace.
Grab an umbrella or raincoat.
If you want to get unique photos in the Bohemian capital or handmade Venetian mask of you own, take a walk on a gondola and get lost in the streets of a delightful city – book your tickets to Venice now!