Venice in December

Venice Weather in December 

- December averages is +7° С / humidity 80%

- highest was +16°С in 1993 

- lowest was -10°С in 1968 

- expected – +8°С

December in Venice is cold, wet and foggy. The sun peeps rarely. Chilly winds, the sea is dull and gray, drizzling rains, downpours and brief floods. Snow can fall in the latter half of the month.


Downtime in Venice in December

December in Venice is a low season. Great deals on accommodation in the historic area of the city. No tourist-jams, no long lines to the museums and cathedrals. But it lasts only until Christmas time and pre-Christmas days, then tourists flood the city and prices rise again.

Timetable for the vaporetto or river trams changes for Christmas Days. Be sure to pre-specify the schedule.

Remember Venice in December by the following events:

- Christmas is on December 25:

-- A festive fair takes place in Piazza Santo Stefano from December 2

-- Annual free concert takes place in the Cathedral of Santa Maria Glorios dei Frari at Calle del Scaleter 3072, start time 4 pm

-- Holy mass in the Basilica of St. Mark at 10:30 pm. Free entrance

- New Year is on December 31:

-- New Year's Eve concert in Scuola Grande di S.Teodoro at S. Marco 4810, start time 5:30 pm, ticket price is € 50

-- Festive concert on Piazza San Marco and musical shows-performances start at 8:00 pm

-- At midnight – fireworks


Venice in December is a theater and opera, musical masquerades and performances of string ensembles. Tourists warm up in small pasticcerias or pastry shops, with a cup of hot chocolate and a piece of Christmas cake. Have fun on an ice rink, enjoy the empty streets of the city.


Packing List Items

To Venice in December should be taken waterproof (!) warm clothes, knee rubber boots and footwear, a few pairs per shift.

Umbrella for short walks, and a raincoat for walking in drizzling rain.

To theater dress elegant, off-duty style: a dark suit for men and an evening dress for women.

To feel the Serenissima air, with hints of strong Italian coffee and freshly baked buns, to take selfies against majestic background of cathedrals, bridges and no-crowds – book tickets to Venice today!