Venice Weather in February
- February averages is +9° С / humidity 77%
- highest was +13°С in 1996
- lowest was +2°С in 1977
- expected – +9°С
In February, the weather is changeable: thick fogs and clouds, sunny and even warm days, rains and cold winds. Venetian floods. It becomes warmer in the latter half of the month.
Downtime in Venice in February
February in Venice is a slow time, but by the beginning of the Carnival everything changes, tourists flood the city, prices rise up. Lines to the sights.
In February you can become a part of a famous event:
- 10-day Venice Carnival begins a fortnight before Lent, depending on the date of Easter, usually in February. Participation is free. Festivals within the event:
- La Festa Veneziana: free shows in the Cannaregio Canal area, water parade along the Grand Canal, entertainment, food and wine
- Festa delle Marie: parade procession of girls starting from the church of San Pietro di Castello in via Garibaldi and Riva degli Schiavoni to St. Mark's Square. Mary of the Year award.
- Carnival Costume and Carnival Mask Contest. Contestants demonstrate their costumes on stage twice a day. Grand Final falls on the final days of the carnival. To participate – apply on the official website a month before the event
- Flight of an Angel is on the first Sunday of the holiday. A person dressed up as an angel comes down by a rope from the bell tower of San Marco
In February tourists take pics with Carnival participants in expensive masks and exquisite costumes; rent carnival costumes, take part in balls and Venetian masks workshops, choose opera and ballet nights with a glass of wine.
Packing List Items
Tourists definitely need in February thick and waterproof clothes, a jacket, rain coat and rubber boots.
It is easier to travel to Venice with a backpack due to the river trams and paved streets.
Dress elegantly on opera and ballet evenings.
To put on a mask and become faceless, to fall within the confetti rain and to visit masquerade balls is possible – just book tickets to Venice today!