Venice Weather in January
- January averages is +2° С / humidity 76%
- highest was +12°С in 1987
- lowest was -12°С in 1964
- expected – +2°С
Venice in January is damp, cloudy, foggy and windy. It often sleets. There are frosts at nights and icy foot-walks in the morning, which disappear by the middle of the day. Rare windless sunny days. Usual high water in the canals – flash floods on the streets.
Downtime in Venice in January
Venice in January is quiet, there are few tourists, no hustle and bustle. Fair prices for accommodation and rest.
In Venice sightseeing prices do not depend on the season.
January 1 is the day off, most of the stores and cafes are closed.
Venice events in January:
- New Year's music concert in Scuola Grande di S.Teodoro at S. Marco 4810 is on January 1, ticket price is € 50
- Ancient costume Grand Canal Regatta delle Befane is on January 6. Free event
-- First race is at 9:30 am, start line – Zattere Embankment, Dorsoduro Venetian Quarter, finish line – Rialto Bridge
-- Second race is at 11 am, gondola route: Rialto Bridge – Campo Sant'Angelo – Rialto Bridge
-- Award ceremony at the Rialto Bridge is at 11:30 am
Venetian cuisine workshops, historic area city tours, rides on gondolas and wine tasting are popular in January. Any weather is good for museums and palaces of Venice.
Packing List Items
It is good to have warm clothes in January: a light down jacket, jeans, a scarf, a hat and gloves, waterproof non-slip shoes.
Raincoat is the best solution for drizzling rain, umbrella dies on wind.
For cooking workshops dress warmly – the food purchase is usually provided with the participants in the Rialto Fish Market; do not forget to grab a hairpin or a scrunchy, as well as a ticket confirming payment.
Want to see the peaceful and tranquil Queen of the Adriatic, to visit famous cathedrals and leisurely walk along the unique city narrows, or warm up with a glass of wine at the local bar-bakaro – book your tickets to Venice today!