Venice in July

Venice Weather in July 

- July averages is +30° С / humidity 65%

- highest was +40°С in 1996 

- lowest was +12°С in 1974 

- expected – +30°С

July is a hot month in Venice. It is sunny, cloudy and stuffy. Occasional rain showers with thunderstorms.


Downtime in Venice in July

The peak tourist season falls on July. There are a lot of travelers, long lines to attractions, tourist jams on central streets, mosquitoes and midges. Prices are high.

July holidays and events:

- Festa del Redentore is on the third weekend of July.

-- Temporary footbridge from the mainland to Giudecca Island, to Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore entrance, is opened on Saturday at 7 pm. Bridge is created from a connected flotilla of boats 

-- High masses run in Chiesa del Santissimo Redentore at 12:30 am and 8 am

-- Fireworks in the San Marco area are at 11:30 pm 

-- Gondola Regatta on the Grand Canal is on Sunday, at 4 pm

- On Festa del Redentore eve, on Friday, at 8:30 pm runs a concert of sacred music in the church of Redentore, Giudecca island. Free entrance

- Biennale Theater Festival opens in late July. Ticket price is €10 -40. Locations:

-- Teatro Piccolo at Campiello Tana, 2161

-- Teatro alle Tese at Calle Larga Rosa, 77


In July tourists take part in the Theater Biennale, try to comprehend Titian's masterpieces, relax on the beach, walk along the art city block and search for "lion's mouth", ancient mailboxes.


Packing List Items

In July Venice you need: summer dresses, T-shirts, shorts, comfortable shoes, sunglasses, sun cream and a hat.

For a city excursion take a sunscreen, a hat with a wide brim and a bottle of water.

If you are not afraid of the heat, want to see Venice of the 16th century, wander through the City of Bridges and spend time on the beach – order tickets to Venice today!