Venice in November

Venice Weather in November 

- November averages is +11° С / humidity 80%

- highest was +21°С in 1968 

- lowest was +1°С in 1989 

- expected – +12°С

November is damp, windy and cool. Steady rains for several days with short breaks for clear weather. Frequent Venetian floods. Usually weather gets worse in the afternoon, mornings are relatively warm.


Downtime in Venice in November

November is not the most popular month in Venice. Despite the weather, tourists do not leave the city. No-rush atmosphere for sightseeing. Prices are obviously reduced.

Festivals and events of November:

- Festa della Salute on November 21:

-- At 6 am, 7 am and 8 am Holy masses runs in the Church of Santa Maria Della Salute at Dorsoduro, 1. Free entrance 

-- A small holiday market is organized by the Cathedral

-- A free pond gondolas bridge is built from the Doge's Palace, at Piazza San Marco 1, to the Cathedral

- Happy Black Friday is at the end of November. Following events take place in the area of Mestre from 10 am to 11 pm: Chestnut Festival, attractions and shows, discounts in stores and restaurants in the Mestre area 


Tourists have fun walking in rain boots through the central streets of Venice, rent costumes and masks – arrange photo shoots, cross the Grand Canal along pond gondolas bridge, visit museums, palaces and cathedrals of the city in all weather.


Packing List Items

In November in Venice it is cozy in warm clothes: a sweater, jeans, in-between jacket, a scarf and a hat.

Be sure to grab an umbrella and knee-high rain boots.

Gondolas, bridges, romance, walks under umbrella and on vaporetto or water taxi – all this can be experienced by booking a ticket to Venice today!