Venice Weather in October
- October averages is +16° С / humidity 63%
- highest was +23°С in 1968
- lowest was +4°С in 1995
- expected – +18°С
Warm winds still blow in early October, occasional sunny days. By the end of October, it becomes cold and damp. Canals water rise and floods at the squares are caused by the often rains.
Downtime in Venice in October
October in Venice is a calm month. There are fewer tourists, compared with the summer time. The beach season is over. Time for excursions. Prices are reasonable.
October is known for such events:
- Wine Festival on the Sant Erasmo Island is held on first Sunday of October. The event starts at 10:30 am on Via de le Motte. It includes wine pressing, tasting, music concerts, regattas. Festive market with fruits and vegetables is a part of the event. Free entrance
- Venice Design Week runs in mid-October. The event hosts exhibitions in various locations, for example, the Museum of Palazzo Grimani at Castello 4858A – Campo Santa Maria Formosa, opening hours from 10 am to 7 pm, ticket price is ~€ 5
- The Venice Marathon is held at the end of October. Start line in the Stra city, to the west of Venice, finish line is on the Quay of the Seven Martyrs, Venice. Competitive conditions: participants from 20 years old – 42 km, price is € 60; participants from 10 years old – 10 km, price is € 30. Registration is on the marathon website
- Happy Halloween runs on October 31st. As a rule, in the Ferretto square from 4.00 pm to 6.30 pm, activities organizers entertain children, make autumn make-up. From 5.30 pm to 7.30 pm musicians walk from Piazza Ferretto to Piazzale Candignani playing gothic and jazz. Free admission
In October, tourists enjoy Venice from viewing points and helicopters. Very popular are gigs and tours in search of the beautiful Venice bridges. Few still sunbathe on the beaches.
Packing List Items
In October, you need sunglasses, a sweater, waterproof shoes, a jacket and an umbrella.
For gondola trips carry a scarf and hat.
For Venice Marathon do not forget: confirmation of registration and payment, preload the route map on the phone or print, pins for fixing the number, sports watches and recharging unit, socks, leggings, sneakers (tested at a long distance), dry clothes and shoes for changing at the finish.
Want to test yourself in a marathon, go no rush sights and get a bird's-eye view of the City of Water – book your tickets to Venice today!