Venice Weather in Spring
- spring averages is 16° С / humidity 63%
- highest was +33°С in 1999
- lowest was -5°С in 2014
- expected – +17°С
Early spring is cold and cloudy. Rain showers and aqua alta, water rise in canals. The drizzles and warmer days are by the end of April. Rainy and overcast days are typical for the whole season. It feels like summer in the second half of May.
Downtime in Venice in Spring
Spring in Venice is a low time and reasonable prices. But if Easter holiday or Venice Carnival time falls on this period of year, prices become of high season. Normally prices getting higher by the end of April. High season begins in the second half of May.
Siesta time for a lot of stores and government offices starts at 1:30 p.m.till 3:30 p.m.
Most churches and museums in Venice close at 6:00 p.m.
As a rule Venice Carnival closure falls on the beginning of March. 60 minute carnival costume photo session in the Atelier Sogno Veneziano at Calle de le Erbe, 6423A:
- ~ € 700 per person
- ~ € 850 for two people
The Venice Biennale opens in May. Ticket price is € 25. Availability hours are from 10 a.m. to 6 p.m. The main pavilions’ locations are:
- Giardini della Biennale in Calle Giazzo, Castello district
- Arsenal 30122 Venice, Italy
- Various palazzo around the city
In the spring in Venice attend theaters, tickets from € 50:
- Teatro La Fenice at Campo San Fantin | San marco 1965
- Teatro Malibran at Campiello del Teatro, 5873
- Scuola Grande di San Teodoro at S. Marco, 4810
The art galleries and museums are of big interest. A ticket for several museums can be purchased online at Venezia Unica. Price starts at € 35:
- Venezia Gallery di Ghidoli at Castello 3472 | Salizada Sant'Antonin
- European Cultural Center - Palazzo Mora at Str. Nuova, 3659
- Ca 'Pesaro Galleria Internazionale d'Arte Moderna at Santa Croce 2076
Tourists enjoy the city views from the water surface by:
- Gondolas – €80 for 40 minutes on the Grand Canal
- Vaporetto – €22 per day ticket
- Tragetto – large gondolas with short routes, price is ~€ 2-3. The best route from Pescheria to Santa Sofia
Visitors are looking for Casanova traces:
- In Comedy Street, now Malipiero, Giacomo’s birth street
- In the church of San Samuele, where he was baptized
- In Priests Street, now Calle delle Munege, in his grandmother’s house
Call round the Venetian Trio – the Murano, Burano and Torcello islands. How to get: by vaporetto, water bus, ticket price is €10.
The beach season begins on the Venice Riviera on Lido Island In May.
Packing List Items
Early spring in Venice requires: a warm jacket, jupe, jeans, hat, scarf, several pairs of waterproof shoes.
By the end of the season is better to have: sunglasses, sun cream, T-shirts, lightweight sweaters with long sleeves and windbreaker.
High rubber boots, an umbrella or a raincoat are necessary the entire season.
On water transport better to wear a warm jacket.
Casual style is allowed for theater.
Reasonable prices, interesting places and new impressions can be fully obtained in the spring in the best Italian city – book tickets to Venice today!