Italy Weather in May
- May averages is +21° С / humidity 73%
- highest was + 31°С in 2011
- lowest was +5°С in 1990
- expected – +23°С
May strongly resembles summer: dryness, a bright sun, but no exhausting summer heat. It is cool and fresh at the evenings.
Downtime in Italy in May
Rather slow and hastless first half of the month is followed by the high season in the second half: the beginning of a beach time and tourists’ waves.
May is full of holidays and fun festivals:
- Holy Efizio Feast in Cagliari, island of Sardinia, on May 1-4. Festive procession starts from the Church of the Saint at Via Sant'Efisio, 14
- La Sensa Festival takes place in Venice on the first Sunday after the Ascension, usually in May (depends on the Easter date). Thousands of ancient rowing boats sail away from San Marco at 9 am
- Wine Festival is held throughout Italy on May 26-27. € 10 per entrance + glass for tastings
- Iris Festival runs in the Botanical Garden “Giardino dei Semplici” at Via Pier Antonio Micheli 3, Florence, from the second week of May. Free admission
The fascinating holidays open the Italian heart.
Weather spectrum in May calls for mixing the historical sites tours with a beach holiday, cycling, visiting flowering parks and orange groves. Prices are just creeping up. Time for Italy enjoyment.
Packing List Items
Packing a suitcase, mind (!) many blocks in Italy are lined with paving stones, choose the rational footwear. Feel free to put up: summer dresses, shorts, T-shirts, swimsuits, sunglasses and a broad-brimmed hat.
Be sure to grab a jacket and an umbrella.
May is a soul aromatherapy, a tender tan, a gorgeous Italian spring with the scent of sea and mountains. You can get to this holiday by booking tickets to Italy today.