Italy Weather in November
- November averages is +16°С / humidity 78%
- highest was +25°С in 1993
- expected – +23°С
In November winter is in the air, and trace of warm sun can be caught except in Sicily. But even there wind, cold rains, gloomy and grey days catch up. It quickly gets dark and cold.
Downtime in Italy in November
November is slow season in Italy: no tourist jams, easier to explore the cities, nice discounts from tour guides, prices are further reduced. Ski season starts at the end of the month.
November is known for its young wine festivals:
- Annual Merano Wine Festival is in November. Entry fee starts at € 30
- St. Martin's Day in the wine cellar is in Vicenza, Vignanello, Bardolino and other cities from November 6th. Tastings start at € 10
- International Horse Fair opens in Verona at the Veronafiere Exhibition Center at Viale del Lavoro 8, on October 7. Ticket starts at € 11
Italy in November is a right place for nostalgia, umbrella rainy walks, enjoyment of beautiful places and sightseeing, and no irritation from the unbearable crowds. Many people choose bus city tours.
Packing List Items
A lot of rambling in November requires a down or a waterproof jacket, comfortable closed shoes, an umbrella, sweater and a scarf.
If you are starving for the charm of Italian cities, dream of green Italian wine and cloudy days is not a problem – book tickets to Italy now!